Friday, November 16, 2018

Обзор ICO HetaChain - блокчейн-платформа нового поколения

Блокчейн - это базовая технология, лежащая в основе большинства криптовалют на данный момент. Это технология, увидевшая свет в 2008 году с появлением биткоина. Обретает всё большую популярность не столько за счёт небывалого роста курса криптовалют, а за счёт огромной ценности, которую она несет. Здесь в первую очередь имеются в виду такие преимущества как полная безопасность совершения платежей, решение проблемы доверия в сделках, практически полная безопасность хранения ваших активов, независимость от централизованных систем управления.
За уже более чем десятилетнюю историю криптовалют, блокчейн прошел достаточно долгий путь, появилось много новых проектов, улучшивших и развивших первоначальную идею. В этом плане можно особо отметить такие проекты как Ethereum, EOS, Stellar, Zilliqa и другие.
Однако нельзя не отметить, что и сейчас остается достаточно много белых пятен, не позволяющих этой технологии полноценно войти в нашу жизнь. Решением этих проблем должны стать блокчейн-платформы так называемого третьего поколения, одним из представителей которых является проект HetaChain.

Что такое HetaChain

HetaChain – это новейшая блокчейн-платформа третьего поколения, позволяющая практически любому бизнесу, государственным структурам создавать свои децентрализованные приложения для решения задач в реальном мире, отличающиеся стабильностью работы, практически полным отсутствием затрат на поддержание экосистемы, отсутствием возможности воздействия третьих сторон, цензуры.
Отличительными особенностями этой платформой является возможность многократного масштабирования до тысяч транзакций в секунду, полная безопасность, гибкость архитектуры платформы, высокая скорость совершения транзакций без рисков задержки.
Одной из отличительных особенностей HetaChain является multichain  протокол, позволяющий создавать приватные сети на основе  платформы, а также связывать приватные сети с основной сетью через мосты.

Решаемые проблемы 

Разработчики выделяют три типа проблем, свойственных блокчейн-платформам на текущем этапе развития:
  • Низкая производительность, проявляющаяся в низкой скорости транзакций, слабых возможностях для масштабирования и так далее;
  • Проблемы с безопасностью, особенно актуальные в момент хардфорков;
  • Большие сложности для разработчиков, которым приходится учить новые языки программирования для разработки децентрализованных приложений.
От себя могу добавить достаточно низкий уровень дружелюбности к обычным пользователям. На данный момент пользоваться пластиковой картой гораздо удобнее и проще, нежели сделать транзакцию в любой из работающих блокчейн-сетей.

Технологические решения

Все технологии внутри платформы направлены на решение текущих проблем блокчейн-платформ, о которых мы говорили выше. 
Так, архитектура платформы делает её простой в использовании как для разработчиков, так и для простых пользователей, и в целом является гибридом базы данных внутри цепи и вне цепи, тем самым позволяет увеличить способности системы по масштабированию и скорости совершений транзакций. 
Что касается алгоритма консенсуса, то команда проекта приняла решение разработать гибридный алгоритм dPoS + BFT. Такой вариант является наиболее оптимальным решением, которое использует положительные стороны каждого из алгоритмов и нивелирует их недостатки. 
Что касается комиссии за транзакцию, то она будет взиматься при проведении каждого перевода и необходима для вознаграждения блок-продюсерам, а также пользователей, участвующих в голосовании как вознаграждение за поддержку работы сети. Размер комиссии будет рассчитываться исходя из сложности и размера транзакции, но будет поддерживаться на минимальном уровне. 
dPoS + BFT применяется как в основной цепи, так и в приватных цепях. 
Системой предусмотрена, конечно, и разработка смарт-контрактов. HetaChain разработает ряд шаблонов смарт-контратов, готовых к применению в реальных отраслях бизнеса, не требующих дополнительных усилий по разработке. 
Что касается блоков, то как и любой блокчейн HetaChain является совокупностью блоков, расположенных один за другим. При этом, каждый следующий блок имеет связь с предыдущим, после попадания блока в цепь, информация в нем не поддаётся изменению. Блок в HetaChain состоит из трёх частей: заголовок блока, информация в блоке и метаинформация блока. 

Руководство проекта


  • Название токена: HETA;
  • Цена за токен во время продаж: 1 HETA = 0.0167 USD 
  • Софт-кап: 100 000 000 USD;
  • Хард-кап: 520 000 000 USD.
  • Для участия в ICO HetaChain переходите по ссылке.  
Распределение токенов будет происходить следующим образом:
  • 40% отправляется на токенсейл;
  • 30% - приватные продажи;
  • 15% для команды;
  • 5% - баунти;
  • 4% необходимы для разработки продукта;
  • и 3% отправляется советникам и партнёрам.
Токен HETA является внутренней валютой системы и необходим для оплаты комиссии за переводы, а также для участия в процессе валидации приватных цепочек. В целом токен необходим для доступа к экосистеме HetaChain.

Дорожная карта 

Основными вехами можно считать предоставление демоверсии продукта в конце 2018 года, в 2019 году будет происходить разработка платформы и на третий квартал 2019 года намечен релиз основной сети. 

Популярность социальных сетей проекта

В Telegram-чат входит более 39000 человек, количество фоловеров Twitter-аккаунта составляет почти 32,2 тыс человек, на Facebook подписаны более 2500 человек.

Официальные аккаунты и страницы компании HetaChain в интернете

Author. Sademolar
My Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2279550 
My Ethereum wallet: 0xB00B339F3Da6b471A253Bf4f94000b1e769D86B8

Saturday, November 10, 2018

MITOSHI - The Next Generation Online Game And Cryptolotteries Supported By Blockchain

Mitoshi is the next generation of online gaming and cryptolotteries powered by the blockchain. Our vision is to bring forth a completely fair, secure and transparent cryptolottery experience that is readily accessible to the global market. Envisioned as a truly international cryptolottery play – it will offer draws that cover the geographies of Asia, North America and Europe. Mitoshi crypolotto tokens can be purchased using fiat and crypto currencies.
A lottery built on smart contracts
Mitoshi will utilize the blockchain platform and with Ethereum smart contracts for collecting, distributing funds as well as in paying lottery sales commissions through our referral program. With smart contracts, neither winning numbers nor lottery tickets could be counterfeited. Mitoshi Cryptolotto will a decentralized community owned by the internet community – thanks to the power of the blockchain.
Global draws
Mitoshi will have a widespread lineup of lottery draws. Each draw contains massive payouts for its winners. Mitoshi CryptoLotto will have a global reach, allowing anybody from around the globe to participate by the tap of a finger.
Watch this video!
Mitoshi Token Sale
Mitoshi tokens are utility (user) tokens and the sales of its tokens are for the future participation of Mitoshi’s lottery draws in a smart contract platform.
Token symbol: MTSH
Token sale start: 27 January 2019Token sale end: 25 August 2019Total amount of tokens: 1,000,000,000Total amount to be sold: 680,000,000 or 68% of total issuanceTotal private sale: US$20,000,000.00Total pre sale: US$20,000,000.00Token main sale: US$60,000,000.00Soft cap: US$10,000,000.00Hard capUS$ :100,000,000.00Accepted crypto & fiat currencies: ETH, BTC & USDMinimum purchase limit: TBA
Proceed allocation
How it Works
Mitoshi mobile application
The Mitoshi mobile application will be designed to access the mitoshi platform. This app will hold all capabilities to join each draw as well as navigate through other gaming opportunities provided by the Mitoshi platform. The application can be accessed through both IOS and android.
Payout methods
Those who want to purchase these lotto tickets can either go to our website or download the app. They can register and an e-wallet will be assigned to them. They either deposit cash or transfer their bitcoin or ethereum assets into the e-wallets. And can purchase Mitoshi play tokens after these assets are credited. Mitoshi lottery can only be purchased through Mitoshi tokens and will be priced at 1 Mitoshi coin per ticket.
Airdrops, rewards and bounty
Mitoshi will allocate millions of free tokens for airdrops, rewards and bounty. Find out more on how you can qualify to own Mitoshi tokens absolutely free. So you can start winning.
For More Information:
Whitepaper : Coming Soon
Author. Sademolar My Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2279550 My Ethereum wallet: 0xB00B339F3Da6b471A253Bf4f94000b1e769D86B8

TANZO Social Marketplace for Homemade Goods

Apa itu TANZO?
TANZO adalah pasar sosial berbasis blockchain untuk barang-barang buatan tangan. TANZO memungkinkan perajin untuk membuat dan mengembangkan profil etalase sendiri dengan mudah dan mencantumkan barang-barang buatan tangan mereka untuk dijual. Komunitas TANZO didukung oleh sistem penghargaan token TANZO (TZO), token berbasis Ethereum Blockchain, dibuat untuk menyulut platform, memberi insentif kepada para anggota platform dan untuk menghasilkan kekayaan di dalam masyarakat. Teknologi ledger TANZO yang terdistribusi memungkinkan transparansi dalam platform, membuatnya terbuka dan aman bagi pembeli dan perajin. Ini juga menyederhanakan proses pembelian dan mengurangi biaya transaksi.

TANZO untuk perajin
  1. TANZO menawarkan platform e-commerce turnkey lengkap yang memungkinkan perajin untuk mengatur etalase online mereka sendiri. Para perajin didorong untuk membuat daftar produk mereka di TANZO dengan mudah sambil menikmati biaya transaksi yang sangat rendah untuk setiap penjualan yang mereka hasilkan.
  2. TANZO juga akan menjadi jejaring sosial, mirip dalam beberapa aspek di Facebook, Instagram dan LinkedIn, di mana para perajin dapat membuat dan menjalankan etalase sendiri di mana mereka dapat memamerkan berbagai barang buatan tangan dan menampilkan foto / video dari bengkel mereka yang sebenarnya. Menambah keunikan TANZO sebagai platform sosial e-commerce adalah jaminan keamanan dalam masyarakat - untuk pembeli serta perajin - dengan menggunakan bukti solid elemen identitas yang diimplementasikan selama pembuatan setiap profil perajin.
  3. TANZO juga mengusulkan solusi untuk organisasi dan guild yang dapat memverifikasi keaslian mereka. Setelah diverifikasi, mereka dapat membuat grup pribadi mereka sendiri sebagai bagian dari platform. Setiap anggota baru yang ingin bergabung dengan suatu serikat atau organisasi tertentu harus diperiksa dan diterima oleh administrasi grup.

Kasus penggunaan Crafter: Lee dari China Timur
Lee adalah perajin keramik. Dia dianggap sebagai salah satu yang terbaik di antara rekan-rekannya di sebuah serikat perajin lokal kecil di provinsi Cina Timur. Lee memiliki bengkel keluarga kecil di mana dia membuat vas dan produk porselen lainnya bersama dengan anak perempuannya. Namun, mereka hanya mampu menjual satu vas per bulan dan beberapa produk kecil lainnya. Rendahnya permintaan untuk produknya dan kurangnya akses ke outlet online menyulitkannya untuk mendapatkan kehidupan yang nyaman. Ini berubah dalam semalam ketika Lee dan rekan-rekan perajin dari organisasi yang sama diundang untuk bergabung dengan pasar sosial online untuk barang-barang buatan tangan yang disebut TANZO.
TANZO tidak memerlukan biaya di muka dan / atau biaya berulang, tetapi hanya biaya simbolik kecil dari setiap penjualan. Lee terpaksa bergabung dengan TANZO dan dalam waktu seminggu ia mendaftar dan diverifikasi sebagai perajin. Sebulan kemudian, Lee berhasil menjual satu vas ukuran menengah ke pembeli Jerman dan yang lain, 40 inci, vas mahal itu dikirim ke yang lain di Amerika Utara. Lee menerima peringkat yang sangat bagus untuk produknya dan mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai perajin. Ini adalah bagaimana, 4 bulan dan 19 penjualan kemudian menggunakan TANZO, Lee telah diperhatikan oleh Chris dari Succasunna yang sedang mencari vas khusus untuk kantor rumahnya. Lee sangat puas dengan tingkat layanan yang disediakan oleh TANZO, ini membantunya meningkatkan gaya hidupnya dan memberi putrinya prospek pendidikan yang lebih baik.

Verifikasi identitas pada blockchain
TANZO telah bermitra dengan Civic, ekosistem blockchain verifikasi identitas yang mapan. Berkat Civic, TANZO menjadi pasar digital pertama yang akan memverifikasi dan menjamin identitas setiap perajin. Proses pendaftaran untuk profil penjual baru memerlukan unduhan aplikasi seluler TANZO.

Menggunakan aplikasi adalah proses yang mudah dan mudah digunakan:
  1. Perajin ini mengambil foto real-time dari kartu ID, wajah, produk buatan tangan dan interior bengkel
  2. Fungsi geolokasi dan timestamp aplikasi, bersama dengan layanan ID blockchain Civic, memverifikasi identitas dan keaslian perajin. Proses verifikasi identitas ini memastikan bahwa semua perajin yang menggunakan TANZO nyata dan menjual barang buatan tangan mereka sendiri di bawah nama / merek mereka sendiri.


Bukti pengerjaan: sistem kode QR
TANZO saat ini sedang mengembangkan sistem kode QR sendiri, yang akan memastikan keabsahan kedua sisi dari setiap transaksi: perajin dan pembeli. Begini cara kerjanya: Untuk setiap daftar baru, perajin akan menerima kode QR unik.

Mereka harus menunjukkan beberapa poin informasi untuk masing-masing dan setiap barang buatan tangan mereka:
  1. Gambar barang (waktu dan cap lokasi)
  2. Daftar bahan baku yang digunakan untuk memproduksi barang
  3. Jumlah waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan item
  4. Detail lainnya tergantung pada sifat produk

Sistem ini akan memiliki beberapa keunggulan dibandingkan dengan pasar e-commerce lain yang ada saat ini:
  1. Keaslian barang-barang buatan tangan yang dijamin
  2. Keaslian bahan yang dijamin yang digunakan dalam proses pembuatan
  3. Transparansi penuh identitas perajin
  4. Perlindungan penuh dari klaim palsu dari pihak pembeli


Sistem bonus dan hadiah
TANZO menggunakan blockchain Ethereum untuk membangun platform perdagangan komprehensif yang memanfaatkan modal sosial dan menciptakan komunitas yang memupuk interaksi sosial di antara pengguna. Kontribusi terhadap modal sosial dalam hal penciptaan nilai pada platform TANZO difasilitasi melalui Sistem Hadiah Pengguna (URS).

URS didasarkan pada token TANZO (TZO), token ERC-20 yang dialokasikan di dalam platform. Hadiah relatif terhadap partisipasi dan kontribusi individu setiap pengguna. Hal ini membuat TANZO menjadi meritokrasi yang sebenarnya - model yang mengecualikan kebutuhan pihak ketiga dan memberikan distribusi kekayaan yang paling efisien di antara pengguna.
Sistem hadiah di TANZO mendorong pengguna untuk terlibat dalam kegiatan sosial, yang meningkatkan nilai ekosistem dan nilai token TZO.

Kunjungi TANZO:

Author. Sademolar

My Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2279550

My Ethereum wallet: 0xB00B339F3Da6b471A253Bf4f94000b1e769D86B8



Hello all, if you’re fascinated by change of integrity the Wellmee ( project, it is a sensible plan to browse reviews that may assist you get info which may assist you in seeing their vision and mission, as a result of it is important to know accuracy in reviews therefore you do not hesitate in investment.
Happier people are up to 20% more productive at work. We present the unique Wellmee mobile application, which enhances the overall wellbeing of its users through mentoring, engaging and entertaining. With the Wellmee app, people are more productive and creative, which brings more profit to their employers. To reward their employees, there are Wellmee tokens linked to the app. These tokens are going to have plenty of value in real world marketplaces.
There are plenty of relevant studies which describes the issue with low productivity in workplace due to the lack of employee happiness and disengagement. For instance, according to American global performance-management consulting company Gallup, unhappy workers cost the U.S. itself between $450 and $550 billion in lost productivity each year7 Another research shows that 87% of C-Suite executives recognize that disengaged employees is one of the biggest threats to their business.
One part which Wellmee is about to cover is relaxation/meditation. Mental health disorders cost the global economy $1 trillion in lost productivity a year, with depression being the leading cause of ill health and disability, according to the World Health Organization.
At Wellmee we are not reinventing the wheel. We build on the major findings of latest decades on the topics of positive psychology, wellbeing, happiness and a flourishing life. Combining it with provenly effective technology solutions to create truly functional application.
Wellmee take the fundamentals of several honoured global psychologists as for instance Ph.D. Martin Seligman and his Well-Being Theory10 where he explains how wellbeing is measured and where he articulates the account of PERMA (Positive emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Accomplishment), (more on our approach in following chapter 3.3.1). Another approach of our interest comes from the work of Dr. Ellen Langer who uses the acronym GLADO to describe that wellbeing is a result of being Generous, Loving, Authentic, Direct and Open11. In the chapter 0 we address our competitors which are more or less successful in the field of “mindfulness-based” application in order to show there is still currently a huge space in the global wellness market.
All the above mentioned is in compliance with the outcome of the project of UK Government Office of Science which in 2008 released a report on Mental Capital and Wellbeing. This study brings 5 ways to mental wellbeing. All of them to be covered, promoted and encouraged by the Wellmee application. These are: 1. Connect, 2. Be active, 3. Take notice, 4. Keep learning, 5. Give. Moreover, enhancing wellbeing of individuals will lead to enhancing wellbeing in society. “It is proposed that achieving a small change in the average level of wellbeing across the population would produce a large decrease in the percentage with mental disorder, and also in the percentage who have sub-clinical disorder. The purpose of the Wellmee application is not to make the person use it for hours and hours each day.
Since humans cannot be separated from real life, the digital life through the application will serve only as an intermediary to the real life of each and every user. The main goal is that each person using the Wellmee app is more satisfied outside of the application, not inside. The result of using the application will be measurable both subjectively and for the sake of employers also objectively.
As rewarding is one of the key factors in order to use any application frequently the fact that the business model of Wellmee is built on rewarding the employees with Wellmee tokens makes the whole ecosystem even more feasible.
The Wellmee project offers us to reward people for their well-being..So, read more about their venture..
Most happy people are up to 20% more productive at work and they present a unique mobile application "Wellmee", it will enhance the well-being of users through mentoring, entertainment and engagement. Thanks to their application, people will be more productive and creative, so it will bring more profit to employers. But, employees will not be left without a reward, this project has Wellmee tokens that are associated with the application and these tokens will have value in real markets that can be exchanged for money.
Why choose Wellmee?
My answer:
The purpose of Wellmees to increase the welfare of all consumers. Together with their tokens, WLME will allow employers to reward their employees who use the Wellmee app.App Wellmee is purely private (not social network)
The work of the application is supported by the findings of major studies on positive human psychology.He uses artificial intelligence and machine learning.The latest Token ecosystem is useful for employees, employers, and markets.The main problem in the labor market.
Studies have shown that unhappy people are less productive and have reduced business profits, according to C Suite executives, they admit that due to the fact that couples diverge, they suffer from depression, stress, and so on, and they are one of the reasons for the decline in productivity.
Wellmee invites us to decide the next method of this problem, namely:
40% of happiness will be determined by their actions. Wellmee will seek to cover the 8 key areas which are crucial to the well-being of everyone, this consists of: positive emotions, relationships, meaning and purpose, and active participation in various activities. Status and well - being improvement will be tracked in their app to be periodically evaluated by the employer-will be maintaining condentiality and this is the highest priority of the app! .
This is the end of the introduction, and now let's look at the road map of the project.
Stage 1: June 2014, the basic concept of happiness.
It studied the concept of happiness: was ispolsovala mobile behavior changes ( Such as Aaron Marscus and Associates, inc. Berkli, USA)
Stage 2: March 2018, the concept of Wellmee and application development
Mastered the concept of using Wellmee and installed freely and properly on "car Happinnes"
Stage 3: November 2018, ITO takes place.
Stage 4: December 2018, dreams come true and the development of the application begins! The Wellmee team complements constantly and accordingly ( mainly experienced psychologists and world-class SW engineers )
Stage 5: January 2019, will be the development and configuration of the ecosystem, that is, there will be a beta program Wellmee app and constantly released on the basis of flexible development; there will be aspects and foundations that will be laid for the functioning of the ecosystem for both the employer and for traders.
Stage 6: January 2020, Wellmee 1.0 released and available on iOS and Android, covering major feature and pilot with companies.
Stage 7: Wellmee 2.0 release for January 2021, will be offered most of the key features. Work with original employers and merchants and will realize the first income.
Stage 8: January 2022, Wellmee 3.0 will be released and fully functional application with all the necessary features; will be the presence of regular users, where the number will grow exponentially; will be recognized by all major companies in the market for its advantage!
Wellmee is special. On the one hand, it brings a mobile application that helps people live their lives better. On the other hand, it creates a unique ecosystem for entrepreneurs and employees.
Wellmee’s goal is simple — to improve the welfare of every user. Together with Wellmee tokens, it allows employers to reward employees who use the Wellmee application, because happier people also show better results at work.
A. The Wellmee application is purely personal — no social network
B. The way it works is supported by the findings of the main study on positive psychology
C. It uses artificial intelligence and machine learning
D. Token Ecosystems are beneficial for employees, entrepreneurs and markets
Seeing the target for the Wellmee business model, in 2018 Fortune international five hundred firms used over twenty eight million folks. By increasing this focus to over a thousand bluechip firms, we are able to estimate that within the initial five years there may be contractile a hundred twenty five firms and there may be five million workers a part of the Wellmee business scheme.
Research shows that sad employees hurt the North American country alone between $ 450 and $ 550 billion in lost productivity once a year, which seven out of ten North American country employees don’t work to their full potential. And this can be a world downside. Even eighty seven of C-Suite executives acknowledge that workers WHO do not work square measure one in every of the most important threats to their business.
All four-hundredth of happiness is decided by our actions. Wellmee aims to hide eight key square measureas that are vital for everyone’s well-being, including: Positive emotions, active involvement, relationships and which means & purpose. Welfare enhancements are half-track within the app for normal analysis by employers — maintaining privacy is that the highest priority of the appliance. (Entrepreneurs can solely be able to extract knowledge that tracks usage). that’s why the link between every individual user and therefore the Wellmee application is made on trust.
Wellmee (WLME) token
Blockchain based utility token to be recognized by employees, companies and merchants worldwide
Token Distribution
Token allocation with dropdown of distribution is presented in the table below:
Author. Sademolar

My Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2279550