Monday, May 30, 2022

Proiectul Bridgeswap



Probabil că știți exercițiul cu schimburile de criptomonede. Înscrieți-vă cu e-mailul, găsiți o parolă puternică, verificați-vă contul și începeți să tranzacționați criptomonede.

Schimburile descentralizate sunt așa, minus bătaia de cap a înscrierilor. În cele mai multe cazuri, nu există nicio depunere sau retragere de cripto. Comerțul are loc direct între portofelele a doi utilizatori, cu o contribuție limitată (dacă există!) de la o terță parte.

Ce este un schimb descentralizat (DEX)?

Schimburile descentralizate sunt un tip de schimb de criptomonede care permite ca tranzacțiile directe peer-to-peer să aibă loc online în siguranță și fără a fi nevoie de un intermediar.

Într-un schimb criptografic centralizat, cea mai mare parte a controlului asupra contului dvs. rămâne în mâinile terței părți care conduce schimbul. Pe de altă parte, cu un schimb descentralizat, tot controlul contului rămâne la tine.

Avantajele DEX-urilor

Fără KYC - Conformitatea KYC/AML este norma pentru multe schimburi. Din motive de reglementare, persoanele fizice trebuie adesea să prezinte documente de identitate și dovada adresei. Aceasta este o problemă de confidențialitate pentru unii și o problemă de accesibilitate pentru alții. Ce se întâmplă dacă nu ai documente valabile la îndemână? Ce se întâmplă dacă informațiile sunt cumva scurse? Deoarece DEX-urile nu sunt permise, nimeni nu vă verifică identitatea. Tot ce aveți nevoie este un portofel cu criptomonede.

Fără risc de contraparte — Atractia principală a schimburilor de criptomonede descentralizate este că nu dețin fondurile clienților.

Jetoane nelistate — Jetoanele care nu sunt listate la bursele centralizate pot fi în continuare tranzacționate liber pe DEX, cu condiția să existe cerere și ofertă

Ce este Bridgeswap?

Bridgeswap este un schimb descentralizat care vă permite să schimbați instantaneu jetoanele cripto, să oferiți lichiditate și să mizați pentru a câștiga recompense sub formă de randamente. Scopul Bridgeswap este de a lega Defi pe Web 3.0 de finanțele tradiționale într-un mod descentralizat pentru a crea o economie globală echitabilă, care este DAO durabilă, accesibilă și condusă de comunitate.

Misiune - Misiunea BridgeSwap este de a oferi oportunități financiare descentralizate la nivel global prin suport, securitate și transparență.

Viziune - A face legătura între Defi pe Web 3.0 și finanțarea tradițională într-o manieră descentralizată pentru a crea o economie globală echitabilă, care este DAO durabilă, accesibilă și condusă de comunitate.

Beneficiile BridgeSwap

Asigurare: BridgeSwap creează instrumente pentru ca utilizatorii să folosească oportunitățile defi fără nicio limitare în ceea ce privește locațiile, fundalul sau indiferent de experiență și bogăție.

Transparență: procese de guvernare conduse de comunitate care asigură utilizatorilor noștri să înțeleagă obiectivele noastre colective și dezvoltarea noastră open-source prin Github.

Securitate: cea mai mare prioritate este siguranța pentru fondurile și comunitatea utilizatorilor noștri.

Produsele Bridgeswap

Bridgeswap a venit cu patru produse inovatoare care includ: comerț Bridgeswap, ferme Bridgeswap, pool-uri Bridgeswap, Bridgeswap Defi 2.0 zap și loterie Bridgeswap.

Comerț Bridgeswap - Comerțul Bridgeswap este un schimb descentralizat care vă permite să schimbați instantaneu jetoanele cripto Bep20 cu un alt Bep20 utilizând fonduri de lichiditate.

Ferme Bridgeswap - Ferma Bridgeswap vă permite să câștigați recompense sub formă de jetoane și să împărțiți comisioanele de tranzacție prin adăugarea de jetoane la fondurile noastre de lichidități.

Pool-uri BridgeSwap - Cu pool-urile Bridgeswap, puteți miza jetoane Bris pentru a câștiga mai multe jetoane. Aceasta este o modalitate excelentă de a câștiga venit pasiv din jetoanele dvs. În loc să vă țineți doar jetoanele, puteți face ca să câștigați jetoane gratuite mizându-le în pool-uri BridgeSwap. Deci, dacă doriți să vă faceți jetoanele Bris productive, luați în considerare mizați. Pool Bridegswap vă permite să mizați și să câștigați mai multe jetoane Bris în două moduri Pool-uri BRIS manuale și pool-uri Auto BRIS

Bridgeswap Defi 2.0 Zap - Bridgeswap Defi 2.0 Zap este un sistem unic creat de echipă pentru a oferi o soluție de durată la unele dintre provocările majore cu care se confruntă protocoalele Defi și Farming. Majoritatea protocoalelor Defi se luptă să obțină suficientă lichiditate pentru funcționarea protocolului lor. Soluția Bridegswap la această problemă este Defi 2.0 zap. Acest sistem nou și unic permite furnizorilor de lichidități să-și schimbe fondurile de lichiditate cu jetoane Bris la preț redus. Bridegswap își obține lichiditatea din acest sistem și nu ar trebui să se bazeze exclusiv pe furnizorii de lichidități pentru fondurile noastre de lichiditate. Lichiditatea câștigată din Defi 2.0 zap este stocată într-un portofel desemnat ca rezervă

Program de recomandare - BridgeSwap Referral este un program unic de recomandare în lanț care le permite utilizatorilor să câștige $BRIS fără a depune nici un token. Trebuie doar să recomandați alți Utilizatori să mizeze în Ferme și Pool-uri și veți începe să câștigați 10% din randamentul USD BRIS pe care îl primesc pentru totdeauna.

Loterie - Loteria BridgeSwap este un joc de noroc în care câștigătorii sunt selectați aleatoriu. Loteria permite fiecărui utilizator care a cumpărat cel puțin un bilet de loterie să fie recompensat cu premii BRIS substanțiale.

Token BRIS
BRIS este simbolul nativ al BridgeSwap. Tokenomics joacă un rol crucial în succesul oricărui proiect cripto. BridgeSwap a creat un tokenomic funcțional și durabil pentru a conduce Bridgeswap către succes.

Nume indicativ: Bridgeswap
Simbol simbol: BRIS
Lanț: BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)
Aprovizionare inițială: 2.200.000

Bridgeswap va deveni o stație unică pentru protocoalele majore DeFi, ceea ce înseamnă noi oportunități de venit pasiv și chiar mai multe jetoane în portofel. Urcă-te în vagon și devii unul dintre primii adoptatori! Primii investitori se vor bucura de funcții premium și mai multe jetoane BRIS!

Informatii de contact

Site: Acasă | BridgeSwap

Gitbook: Prezentare generală BridgeSwap - BridgeSwap

Twitter: BridgeSwap (@Bridgeswap_Dex) | Stare de nervozitate

Telegramă: BridgeSwap

Github: Bridgeswap-Dex - Prezentare generală

Medie: BridgeSwap – Medie

Autor: sademolar

Link-ul profilului meu Bitcointalk:;u=2279550

Adresă portofel BSC: 0xB00B339F3Da6b471A253Bf4f94000b1e769D86B8

Friday, May 20, 2022

Metaple protocol

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Author: sademolar

My Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2279550

BSC wallet address: 0xB00B339F3Da6b471A253Bf4f94000b1e769D86B8

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Aufin Decentralized Finance System


Anyone know about the Aufin Protocol? Aufin Protocol is transforming DeFi with the Aufin Autostaking Protocol that delivers the industry’s highest fixed APY, rebasing rewards every 10 minutes, and a simple buy-hold-earn system that grows your portfolio in your wallet.

Aufin Protocol is shortened form of Automatic Financial, a protocol that provides a decentralized financial asset which rewards users with a sustainable fixed compound interest up to 480,419.00% for the first 12 months.

KH. Abdul Ghofur, as the caretaker of the Sunan Drajat cottage, said: “The Aufin Protocol is a promising staking project.”

Aufin focused on DeFi innovation that creates benefits and value for Aufin token holders.


Low Risk with the Aufin Insurance — 5% of all trading fees are stored in The Aufin Insurance which helps sustain and back the staking rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk.

Easy and Safe Staking — The Aufin token always stays in your wallet so it doesn’t need to be put into the hands of a 3rd party or centralized authority. All you need to do is buy & hold as you automatically receive rewards in your own wallet so there’s no more complicated staking processes at all.

Interest Yield with Automatic Payments — You need not be worry about having to re-stake your tokens. Interest yield is paid automatically and compounded in your own wallet, guaranteeing you will never miss a payment.

Highest Fixed APY — Aufin pays out at 480,419.00% in the first 12 months which rivals anything in the DeFi arena to date. After the first 12 months the interest rate drops over an Epoch.

Rapid Interest Payments — The Aufin Protocol pays every Aufin Token holder each and every 10 minutes or 144 times each day, making it the fastest auto-compounding protocol in crypto.

Auto Token Burn — One of the exciting features of the Aufin Protocol is an automatic token burn system named “The Aufin Fireplace” which prevents circulating supply getting out of hand and becoming unmanageable. The Fireplace burns 2.5% out of all Aufin Token market sales and is burned in the same individual transaction.

#defiyield #DeFiProject #BSC #DeFi #AUFIN

The Aufin Insurance

The Aufin Insurance uses an algorithm that backs the Rebase Rewards and is supported by a portion of the buy and sell trading fees that accrue in the Insurance wallet.

In simple terms, the staking rewards (rebase rewards) which are distributed every 10 minutes at a rate of 0.01613% are backed by the Insurance parameter, thus ensuring a high and stable interest rate to $AUN token holders.

5% of all trading fees are stored in the The Aufin Insurance which helps sustain and back the staking rewards provided by the positive rebase.

The Aufin Insurance keeps holders safe by:

  • Avoiding flash crash through price stability
  • Achieving long term sustainability and future growth of the Aufin Protocol
  • Greatly reducing downside risk

The Aufin Treasury

The Aufin Treasury plays a very important role in Aufin Protocol. It provides three extremely critical functions for the growth and sustainability of Aufin. The treasury can become important in the event of an extreme price drop of the $AUN token or unforeseen black-swan event. It helps to establish a floor value for the $AUN token.

The treasury provides funding for marketing, growth hacking the Aufin community. The treasury will be used to fund new Aufin products, services, and projects that will expand and provide more value to the community.

The Aufin Fireplace

2.5% of all $AUN traded are burnt in The Aufin Fireplace. The more $AUN is traded, the more get put into the fire causing the fireplace to grow in size, larger and larger through self fulfilling Auto-Compounding, reducing the circulating supply and keeping the Aufin Protocol stable.

The other benefit to an everlasting burn of circulating supply is that due to the deflationary nature of it, equates to a higher value of each $SAUN token, therefore increasing the individual value.

The Aufin Auto-Liquidity

Every 48 hours, the Aufin Auto-Liquidity will inject automatic liquidity into the market. On each buy or sell order there is a 4% tax fee that automatically gets stored into an Auto-LP wallet and built into our protocol’s smart contract is the mechanism which smartly takes the 50% of the amount of $AUN stored in the wallet, and will automatically buy $BNB at the current market price.

The remaining 50% of $AUN in the Auto-LP wallet will be used for the $AUN side of liquidity, therefore giving equal an 50/50 weighting of AUN/BNB which will then be automatically added as new, additional liquidity into the market pair and raising the amount of liquidity in the pool.

The Aufin Auto-Liquidity will do this every 48 hours by adding more and more liquidity to the pool which will allow $AUN token holders to easily sell their tokens at anytime with little to no market slippage. It will also aid in maintaining protocol stability to make sure the APY is upheld for the entire life of The Aufin Protocol.

Fixed APY

APY stands for Annual Percentage Yield. This measures the real rate of return on your principal amount by taking into account the effect of compounding interest. In the case of Aufin, your $AUN tokens represent your principal, and the compound interest is added periodically on every Rebase event (Every 10 minutes), otherwise known as an Epoch.

#defiyield #DeFiProject #BSC #DeFi #AUFIN

$AUN Token

$AUN is a Bep20 token which rewards its holders with automatic passive interest payments every 10 minutes over the lifespan of 12 years 8 months 26 days 3 hours 30 minutes until the maximum supply of 10 Billion tokens has been reached.

No Team Tokens — The Aufin Team will NOT hold any tokens. The only tokens owned by the Treasury will be collected via accumulating trading fees. We are committed to the longevity of the project and thus the $AUN team cannot dump on you.

No Extra Mint or Hidden Tokens — The $AUN smart contract has NO ability to mint extra tokens nor can the supply be manually increased or used in an artificial way to change the initial supply by awarding ourselves free tokens. The initial supply is 1,000,000 tokens only.

No Rug Pull — Liquidity will be locked for 12 years via trusted network which cannot be touched or released early. (This means that you as a token holder will always have the freedom to buy/sell whenever you like without restrictions or complications — your tokens that you buy are yours and remain in your wallet always and are never locked).

No Bots — All front run and sniper bots will be instantly blocked by the Aufin smart contract by the blacklist feature. Our smart contract cannot block normal wallets, only contracts ie bots

#defiyield #DeFiProject #BSC #DeFi #AUFIN

For more іnfоrmаtіоn For more іnfоrmаtіоn







Author: sademolar

My Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2279550

BSC wallet address: 0xB00B339F3Da6b471A253Bf4f94000b1e769D86B8

TALETECODE: Safe Staking protocol



TaleteCode is a marketplace where developers buy and sell professional code with the best tools on the market. We offer a wide variety of products to help you develop your website, mobile app, or software. We are committed to helping you create the best code you can. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, you will find the best tools for the job. We want you to be happy with your purchase. That's why we offer a money back guarantee on all of our products. We are sure you will love your new code, but if for any reason you aren't satisfied with your purchase, we offer a refund. TaleteCode is an online marketplace for developers to share their code with the community and to sell their solutions. We like to call it a marketplace for solutions. The main advantage of the marketplace is that if you have the need for a specific functionality, you can find it here. It can be a single class, a set of classes, or a full-fledged web application. The marketplace enables developers to share their code with other developers and get paid for it. The more your code is downloaded, the higher your income can be. We also like to call it a global community of developers. The marketplace has a rating system based on the number of downloads and the number of sales. TaleteCode offers a lot of solutions for specific fields.

TaleteCode is a marketplace where developers can publish their open source projects and sell their code for money. It is a unique place for developers to earn money and for companies to buy code. TaleteCode was established to solve and tackle the problems that developers face from time to time, such as copyright protection, legal issues and no platform for selling their software. The platform solves the problem by creating a legal way to sell the code, and a safe and friendly environment. The platform is not limited to any language and works perfectly with any type of code. TaleteCode is a marketplace for developers to buy and sell code snippets, API, plugins and source codes. TaleteCode is built by a group of developers for developers. We know how hard it is to find good code snippets and API to get started with. And that’s why we created this marketplace. TaleteCode makes it easy for you to find the code snippets you are looking for. All the codes are sorted into categories and tags. You can also search code snippets by their names. Once you find a code snippet you like, you can just download it easily.

Overview of TaleteCode

TaleteCode is a place where developers can make money out of their coding skills, by building the best software solutions for various businesses on the market. Basically, this is a place where developers become the demand and the businesses become the supply, so they can get the best software solutions they need. TaleteCode is a marketplace where developers, computer programmers and coders can buy and sell computer software development kits and other tools and software.

TaleteCode is a marketplace for developers, to buy and sell their development skills. We allow developers to simply create an account and get started earning money on their development skills. TaleteCode is a marketplace and community where we curate the best development resources and opportunities, and provide the best place to work and learn. TaleteCode is a new development platform that is changing the way developers are finding jobs and making money. The TaleteCode platform is a place where users can find jobs and companies can find developers. What makes TaleteCode unique is that users can sign up and start finding jobs without posting a resume or portfolio. The TaleteCode platform allows developers to be found in a new way by companies. The company believes that developers should be able to get a job without a resume, showing that they are good enough to be hired. The TaleteCode platform allows companies to find developers without going through a recruiter. The company believes that developers should be able to be hired directly.

USEFUL LINKS Website: Telegram: Twitter: Discord: Medium: Author: sademolar My Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2279550 BSC wallet address: 0xB00B339F3Da6b471A253Bf4f94000b1e769D86B8

Monday, May 9, 2022

Revenue Coin: The Only Revenue Token Available in The Market

 Introduction :

Experienced crypto users and newcomers alike may now celebrate. Why? For the simple reason that we may now hold the first cryptocurrency that generates money for its owner(s). Tokenized revenue-based cryptocurrency ecosystem Revenue Coin (RVC) is here. Take the burden off your shoulders by letting Revenue Coin develop your portfolio for you. The more you invest, the more money you'll make in the long run with Revenue Coin. Revenue Coin is a technological incubator, and if a project is chosen, Revenue Capital provides financial backing, professional assistance, and other support to assure the growth and profitability of the project's customers.


The Revenue Coin initiative promotes potential high-tech enterprises and ideas by purchasing Revenue Coins in return for up to 10% of their revenue. Some of the money raised from the sale of RVC is used to repurchase the tokens, some of it is distributed to the token's owners, and the rest is set aside to support future promising incubator initiatives. Exeria and SkyRocket are two fully built products ready to launch straight out of the gate by the Revenue Coin team to make the proposal even more enticing to potential customers. A single token gets you access to three active projects right once, with many more in the works as cryptocurrency markets mature. Earnings from Exeria, an algorithmic robot trading software with a wide range of capabilities and aimed to enable profits for all cryptocurrency users, are now available to Revenue Coin holders. When you consider SkyRocket as well as Revenue Coin, it's easy to see why this is a sound investment. There are already plans for other exchanges to be launched by SkyRocket, and the company is currently an approved broker for Binance and OKEx.

Tokenomics :
There is no doubt that the RVC token will rise in value due to the buyback and burn feature of the project. While the quantity of Revenue Coins decreases, the number of projects that contribute money to the project will increase, generating the potential for massive gains over time.


Roadmap :
The Revenue Coin project is revving up to distribute its first significant earnings to its holders this year, with half of the initial plan now achieved. Just a few tweaks here and there, and Revenue Coin will soon be creating profitable projects and dividends for RVC investors. In addition to being run by a team of crypto and business specialists, the Revenue Coin project can reach a global audience in search of the most promising new start-ups and provide long-term passive income to its holders in the process. For the next two decades, the Revenue Coin price roadmap contains price estimates!


Conclusion :
It's no secret that the Revenue Coin initiative has already formed alliances with several major players in their professions. Revenue Coin's broad reach promises to bring in riches where others have failed. The Revenue Coin project's aims are lofty, and it seems that they will be extremely successful in accomplishing them. Cryptocurrency is becoming more and more popular with the general people, thus there will be an urgent demand for a platform that is easy to use and comprehend; one where the creation of profits is left to the specialists while you can sit back and enjoy your passive, uncomplicated income. The number of enterprises operating under the Revenue Coin umbrella and contributing a percentage of their revenues to the RVC project's bottom line will grow as time goes on. The Revenue Coin project is a great place to put your money if you're seeking for a safe investment. It was a deliberate decision by the Revenue Coin team to build a core that would allow the project to develop indefinitely. In reality, the most probable scenario is that the Revenue Coin team is providing very cautious forecasts about the future price of RVC in order to avoid over-promising. There's a good chance that the amount of projects handled by the Revenue Coin team will exceed their own expectations, resulting in tremendous earnings over the next five to ten years. What's the point of putting things off? Making money is all about getting a stake in firms that are going to change the world. Revenue Coin has a lot of promise if you spend some time reading the documentation and checking out their social media accounts.

For more information :










Author: sademolar

My Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2279550

BSC wallet address: 0xB00B339F3Da6b471A253Bf4f94000b1e769D86B8

Ikonic: Creating Values For Esports And Gaming Fans



Ikonic is a new blockchain-based platform that brings together players and celebrities in the sport to create, collect, play and fund the best moments of the experience. If you’re looking for a new blockchain -based project to join, you can take a closer look at Ikonic. There are a lot of opportunities in the company’s development team and they have great features that really set them apart from other similar areas. The sector includes non -standard equipment, such as NFT manufacturers with the advent of the power distribution market.

The Ikonic team developing this platform will bring together all the esports fans and stars/pro players, where anyone can create, collect and earn money during their gaming time. Their team will do it with a stable and efficient NFT marketplace with blockchain based infrastructure. All users need to do is very simple with good interface and transparent process. All creators, especially e-sports stars or professional gamers, can take advantage of the content revealed through NFT. In short, Ikonic defines the future of the gaming industry through blockchain technology.

Get started with the process


  1. Submit your video.

  2. Highlight your best moments and actions.

  3. Make the necessary changes.

  4. Select a design model.

  5. Next, create the NFT.

  6. Tell your fans and followers.

Start uploading whatever photos you like. Create your account and start exploiting your digital assets by uploading them. Choose a photo, movie or clip that will quickly become your NFT. You need a picture with it. This will help you in building a comparable NFT chain and increase your profits.

Token of ikonic value
Token Name: IKONIC
Total supply: 2,500,000,000
Hard hat: $6,000,000
Seed sale: $2,000,000
Strategic sales: $2,000,000
Public sale: $2,000,000
Initial market cap: $3,200,000
Initial circulation supply: 157,916,667
Total diluted market cap: $50,000,000
Estimated listing date: Q2 2022


The Most Unique NFT Marketplace
The Ikonic team is developing a new NFT marketplace for the sports and games industry, where they will deploy it using blockchain technology. Everyone will watch the popular game with friends and professional players. where they can collect all the time from their favorite players and leagues. Record, then include your favorite clips and try to stand out in the environment. Their team also offers new games to get mechanics on new economic concepts through nft where they can earn money from their assets and they can also gamble to win rewards. very much. For more information, you can read more on their website here


Ikonic Esports will offer unique new game mechanics that will introduce new and exciting Play for Money mechanics for everyone, Ikonic Esports focuses on more than one element that makes them more fun to create world now in many different combinations. unique elements of the environment. Users can collect their favorite clips by selecting their favorite videos and this combination allows them to create a more interesting collection with the ability to highlight and climb on it, so please include an interesting investment strategy, in the future the team will recommend it. others. unique. Nature. Ikonic Esports is creating a unique game engine to make it a new money-making strategy game and I strongly recommend you to join this project and try this unique world later!

When I think that’s enough, don’t forget to follow and support more content about the new project, I will provide a link to the Popular Ecosystem below. Thanks a lot!


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Author: sademolar

My Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2279550

BSC wallet address: 0xB00B339F3Da6b471A253Bf4f94000b1e769D86B8